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Pre-conference workshops

Pre-conference workshops are scheduled on Wednesday 30 & Thursday 31 August.


You can find the workshop programmes below by clicking on workshops' titles :


- IG on International Organizations : Whataboutism, Reciprocity, Double Standards : Towards a Theory of Fairness in International Organizations

- IG on Peace and Security : Fairness and International Peace and Security

- IG on International Criminal Justice : Fairness and Selectivity in International Criminal Justice

- IG on the International Law of Culture : Is International Law of Culture Fair ? Is International Law Fair in Cultural Terms ?

- IG on Migration and Refugee Law : (Un)Fairness in International Migration and Refugee Law : Past and Present Realities

- IG on International Courts and Tribunals : New International Courts and Tribunals

- IG on International Human Rights Law : Reparations in International Human Rights Law : A Critical Reflection

- IG on the History of International Law : Historical Perspectives on Fairness in International Law

- IG on International Health Law : Equity in Pandemic Response after Covid-19 : Fairness through International Health law and Beyond

- IG on the International Bio Law : Is International Bio Law Fair ? Reflections on Recent Developments and Future Paths on their Principles and their Application

- IG on International Environmental Law : Are Foundational, Fundamental and Evolving International Environmental Law Principles Fair ?

- IG on Social Sciences and  International Law : The De-Legalization of International Law : Social Science Perspectives

- IG on the Law of the Sea : Is the Governance of the Oceans Fair ? The New BBNJ Treaty and Other Related International Instruments

- IG on International Economic Law : Pursuing Fairness in Times of Crisis : Reflections on the Future of International Economic Law

- IG on the European and International Rule of Law : Elections and the International Rule of Law

- IG on International Business and Human Rights

- IG on the EU as a Global Actor

- IG on International Law and Technology

- IG on Feminism and International Law


Important information for online participants

Online links to hybrid workshops will be sent to all registered participants.

To register, please go to the registration page.

Please note that there will be no separate registration for specific workshops.



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